
Secret Microneedling RF

At Neoderma, we have tested so many of the latest technologies to help improve acne scars and wrinkles. After countless trials with many lasers and modalities we are excited and pleased to offer our Secret Microneedling RF treatment with LED therapy. If you would like smoother, firmer skin with fewer wrinkles or scars, tighter pores, this treatment is ideal. See why it is quickly becoming such a popular treatment at Neoderma.

This advanced anti-aging technology is great for:

- Non surgical face lift

- Wrinkles and Fine Lines

- Pore reduction

- Acne

- Scars

- Skin Rejuvenation

Secret RF Microneedling

Secret is a micro-needle fractional radiofrequency that stimulates collagen and elastin production rejuvenate, tighten, and lift skin. This treatment can reduce the appearance of pores, acne scars, stretch marks, and scars. A head of 64 gold-plated needles punctures the skin, while radiofrequency energy is transmitted into the surrounding tissues to compound the collagen boosting effects of the needles. The depth of the punctures can be adjusted depending on the area being treated to maximize results. This is a powerful anti-aging treatment and can be thought of as a non-surgical facelift. You may see fantastic results with just one treatment, but for best results we recommend a series of three treatments 4 weeks apart.

Prepping for Secret RF Microneedling

To prepare for Secret RF Microneedling avoid sun exposure for at least 3-5 days prior to treatment. Remember to utilize sunscreen SPF 30 or higher to protect your skin before and after treatment. Avoid the use of active products such as salicylic acid, retinol, or hydroquinone for at least 3-5 days prior to treatment. Do not wear any makeup to your treatment appointment. You will need to apply a topical numbing cream to the area for at least an hour before treatment, this can be done in office or at home with the purchase of our prescription strength topical numbing cream.

Aftercare for Secret RF Microneedling

You can expect redness for the first 4-5 hours after treatment, with potentially some peeling and scabbing which should subside within 5-7 days after treatment. Do not use makeup until 24 hours after treatment. Avoid exercise or saunas for 24 hours after treatment. Avoid sun exposure for 2 weeks after treatment and remember to use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher to protect your skin. Avoid exfoliation for 1-2 weeks after treatment. Avoid using retinoids, tretinoin, or hydroquinone for at least 3 days after treatment unless otherwise directed by your provider.

Secret RF Microneedling FAQ

What is the downtime for Secret RF Microneedling?

With Secret RF Microneedling, downtime varies from person to person. Some people experience minimal downtime of 1-2 days whereas others can expect to have 5-7 days of downtime due to redness and potential peeling and scabbing. Depending on your lifestyle, you may want to schedule your treatments around days when you will not have work or other commitments.

How often should I receive Secret RF Microneedling?

While one treatment can improve the appearance of your skin, we do recommend a series of 3 treatments spaced 4 weeks apart.

Does Secret RF Microneedling hurt?

Everyone’s pain tolerance is different, but most patients do agree that this is a painful treatment. To help minimize the pain, we do recommend the use of a topical numbing cream for at least an hour before your treatment. We sell small containers of our prescription strength topical numbing cream, or we can apply numbing cream in the office if you would like to arrive early.