Skin tags are harmless growths that can appear seemingly out of nowhere. These are more likely to appear in areas where skin rubs against itself causing friction which is why people often see them on the eyelids, neck, and the underarms. At Neoderma, we are able to remove these growths with a process called desiccation. Our providers use a fine-tipped tool to zap the skin tags with an electric current, this causes the skin tag to dry up. The skin tag will eventually scab and fall off on its own. This treatment is a fairly comfortable method to remove skin tags and restore the smoothness of the skin.
How to prepare for Desiccation
To prepare for this treatment, come in freshly showered with clean skin. Do not wear any makeup or lotion. If you work out regularly, schedule your treatment after your workout because you will not be able to exercise for 24 hours.
Aftercare for Desiccation
After this treatment it is important to keep the treated areas clean and dry. Avoid showering for 24 hours. Avoid any activity that will cause you to sweat for 24 hours. Make sure to protect the treated skin from the sun by avoiding sun exposure and using a sunscreen SPF 30 or higher. Do not touch, scratch, or pick at the treated areas as this can result in unwanted effects like hyperpigmentation.
Desiccation FAQ
Is desiccation permanent?
Yes, desiccation is a permanent procedure! However, if you have a condition that predisposes you to forming skin tags, you may develop new ones in areas that have already been treated.
Does desiccation hurt?
With topical numbing cream there is minimal to no pain with this treatment. Please arrive one hour prior to your scheduled appointment time to ensure adequate time to numb.
Can you remove skin tags around the eye?
Yes we can! The best way to determine if your skin tag is something we can treat is to schedule a consultation appointment with one of our providers.